Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sac High Clubs

There are more than 25 clubs and student groups that are active at Sac High here are some examples
  • Achievement Club
  • Black Student Union
  • Chess Club
  • Cheer
  • Drill Team
  • Fabulosity Club
  • Fit Club
  • Helping Hands
  • Hip Hop Club
  • Hmong Club
  • Japanese Club
  • Key Club
  • LGSA Club
  • Link Crew
  • MECHA Club
  • Mien Club
  • Ninety's Baby's Club
  • Oh Nine Club
  • Photography Club
  • Phun Club
  • Think Green Club
  • TV Club
  • Speech and Debate Team
  • Wishing Stars Club                                                                                                        I research 4 of them Fit Club,Black Student Union and Link Crew and Chess club .Link Crew is a group were the students with the help of some teacher set up events.Fit Club is were kids go after school to get a work out in and if you go daily you can get a year membership at 24-hour fit. Lastly the Black Student Union were African Americans meet and have activity.At chess club you can come and learn how to play and play with other students.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Photo of the week

Lebron when he was on the Cavs doing what he do.

steve jobb bruh

Q1: What adjective were used to describe Steve Jobs in the field in the film. List at least 5. Why do you think some of those adjectives are condradictory?

Q2: What other compaines was Steve Jobs a part of besides apple?
        He created NeXT computers, and got employed by Atari.

Q3:  What were the differences in terms of personality between Steve Jobs and Microsoft's Bill Gates?
        How was that difference reflected in thier respective compaines? Jobs was  more outspoken person, while Bill was hesitant. This showed the nature of Jobs's company, he was taking risks, and was so outspoken in an way.

Q4:  What criticisms were leveled in the film against Steve Jobs, about his personality and the way he used people?
People would say that you were one of three people. Someone he needed, someone he liked, and someone he hated. If he needed you you were his best friend, but when you were done, he would throw you out.

Q5:According to the film against Steve Jobs able to be so successful?
 Because he took a chance on everything. Thats why he is so successful.

Q6: :  List the industries that Jobs's Apple helped revolutionize?
 NeXT computer, Walt Disney, XEROX were the company's that he contributed to.

Q7:  Do you think Steve Jobs and Apple have had the impact that the film describes? Why?
Yes. They have revoltunariy changed the way we think about computers, and have forever changed the way we look at the world today.

Q8: How do you and other people use apple products today?
 I use apple products to relax , unwind, or if I'm in the mood for something special.

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New Greek PM wins key Parliament vote
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updated 12:34 PM EST, Wed November 16, 2011

CNN Poll: Americans doubt super committee will meet deadline

Monday, December 12, 2011

Final Draft

When writing an essay , there are some tips you should follow in order to get a good grade.                             

  • Start early and budget your time-When writing an essay its important to budget your time. Starting early can be brainstorming ideas as well as figuring out how your going to budget your time. There may be other tasks involved with the essay, such as reading or research. In this case, the sooner you start the better. Some essays consume a lot of time, so its important to schedule breaks or rest time in between writing assignments.
  • Clearly Understanding the Assignment-Its  important to understand the topic assigned. Analyze the topic and all the words to fully understand what's required. Annotating may help as well. You may want to underline or highlight key words or phrases that pop out. Then think about how they relate to the reading.
Organize Your Research Materials and Thoughts-Thoroughly read through the materials. You should also organize all the information your using for the assignment. A good way to start is by highlighting the key information and make some notes of this material. The material you find should help solidify your thoughts.

  • Learn by Example- If you are confused about hoe to write the essay, or how to approach it than look for examples. Read other essays that will help you understand how to organize and present the information. Look for how the author introduces the topic, shows the idea, and states a clear conclusion. 
Don't Plagiarize. Keep track of any quotes or citations-Do not copy other peoples work. simply rearranging words or copying sentences is considered plagiarism.

Write A Quick Draft all the way through-Focus on getting all your ideas on paper. It's okay not to stress over a perfect introduction or conclusion. Double check to make sure all the information needed is in the draft. Write as if you were talking to another person. Keep in mind you will have time to revise and edit.

Write Multiple Drafts-Think about whether or not you need to rearrange the structure. If you have more experience with writing you may be able to skip a few steps. Be sure to make merged sentences flow. When finished, look and make sure that the overall ideas and sentences flow.

Clarify of Thoughts and Clarify of Words-Since writing is a away to express thought, sloppy use of language may imply sloppy thinking. Writs active sentences with active verbs. Make sure to communicate with a consistent tone. Look up words you don't understand so that you don't ruin your essay.

Format and Presentation count-It would be a shame to get a lower grade because you did not meet the guidelines or used improper formats. Use a word processor and spellcheck the work. Print it out on paper and then check it again. You may be amazed at how many mistakes you have even after you thought the work was edited.
Think Differently- Get to know your topic, and make sure you truly understand it. Maybe you have a different take on the assignment topic. Most importantly you must know yourself. Find things that interest you and find your voice.