Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sac High Clubs

There are more than 25 clubs and student groups that are active at Sac High here are some examples
  • Achievement Club
  • Black Student Union
  • Chess Club
  • Cheer
  • Drill Team
  • Fabulosity Club
  • Fit Club
  • Helping Hands
  • Hip Hop Club
  • Hmong Club
  • Japanese Club
  • Key Club
  • LGSA Club
  • Link Crew
  • MECHA Club
  • Mien Club
  • Ninety's Baby's Club
  • Oh Nine Club
  • Photography Club
  • Phun Club
  • Think Green Club
  • TV Club
  • Speech and Debate Team
  • Wishing Stars Club                                                                                                        I research 4 of them Fit Club,Black Student Union and Link Crew and Chess club .Link Crew is a group were the students with the help of some teacher set up events.Fit Club is were kids go after school to get a work out in and if you go daily you can get a year membership at 24-hour fit. Lastly the Black Student Union were African Americans meet and have activity.At chess club you can come and learn how to play and play with other students.

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